Antwerp Academy hosts a 24-hour drawing marathon

Lailuma Sadid
Credit: VRT NWS

Antwerp (Brussels Morning Newspaper) – The Antwerp Academy of Fine Arts hosts a 24-hour drawing marathon, where artists challenge their endurance while sketching live performances, including ballerinas, actors, and athletes. Coordinator Wouter Steel notes its impact on artistic instincts.

The 24-hour drawing marathon at the Antwerp Academy of Fine Arts is a big event where anyone can draw.  It’s mostly students and teachers from the academy who take part.  The marathon has become a popular tradition, with live performances. Ballerinas from the local ballet school perform. Live theatre performances also happen, with actors like Geert Van Rampelberg performing.

“Maybe after a few hours, you will get into a trance and it will lead to certain experiments”

Wouter Steel, Drawing coordinator

Can artists endure Antwerp Academy’s 24-hour drawing marathon?

According to officials, the Antwerp Academy of Fine Arts’ 24-hour drawing marathon is not just about art, it’s a test of endurance. Many artists push themselves to draw for the entire 24 hours, finding it a physical and mental challenge.  Teacher Wouter Steel says that long drawing sessions can change how an artist works. 

He mentioned that after hours of drawing, many artists start to draw more naturally and instinctively like it’s second nature. Some even say they enter a trance-like state, focusing deeply and finding the act of drawing calming. As the event gets more popular, more students are taking on the challenge of drawing for the whole 24 hours.

“More and more students are holding out for 24 hours, although that is not mandatory. It is interesting to see what the marathon does to you as a cartoonist. Maybe after a few hours an automatism occurs, you discover new styles or you get into a trance,”

Says Steel.

According to officials, a pole dancer performs, bringing a dynamic and graceful element to the event. They mentioned that to keep the artists inspired and motivated throughout the night, live music bands also perform. 

Artists will have the chance to draw bodybuilders, fencers, and other performers. This will give artists a chance to study different types of movement and poses. The academy will also provide food and drinks. The full program is available on the academy’s website.

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Lailuma Sadid is a former diplomat in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Embassy to the kingdom of Belgium, in charge of NATO. She attended the NATO Training courses and speakers for the events at NATO H-Q in Brussels, and also in Nederland, Germany, Estonia, and Azerbaijan. Sadid has is a former Political Reporter for Pajhwok News Agency, covering the London, Conference in 2006 and Lisbon summit in 2010.
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