Abandoned Python found dead in Genk sports center

Lailuma Sadid
Credit: Reuters

Genk (The Brussels Morning Newspaper): A dead python was discovered in a container at a Genk sports center. The nature rescue team responded but found it deceased working with Rendac for proper disposal.

On Friday 9th August the nature rescue center in Oudsbergen got an urgent call from the Sports Centre in Genk about something strange. A group of kids playing near the entrance found a small container that was left there. When they opened it they were shocked to see a rolled-up python inside. This discovery made the center which helps with wildlife take quick action. The nature rescue team quickly responded to the call and made sure the kids and the python were safe. They carefully took the snake out of the container and checked how it was doing.

What led to the discovery of a dead python at a Genk sports center?

On 9th August workers from the nature rescue center in Oudsbergen hurried to the Sports Centre in Genk after getting a call about a python in a container. They expected to find a live snake and got there quickly to help. But when they arrived they found out that the python had been dead for a while. It turned out that the snake had been thrown away in the container and was not alive as they first thought. The wildlife rescue team then worked with a company called Rendac, which takes care of dead animals to handle the remains. The dead python was taken to the wildlife rescue center for proper collection and processing by Rendac making sure the animal was taken care of properly.

The wildlife rescue center was very confused about what happened. They said, “We will probably never understand why someone thought it was okay to dump their dead python in front of a sports center.” The staff were surprised that someone would choose such a public place to leave the dead animal especially where kids and visitors often go. They thought it was strange that the person didn’t handle the situation in a better way. The rescue center shared their confusion about why someone would do this, showing a lack of care for both the community and the animal. They stressed how important it is to treat wildlife with respect and to handle such situations properly. They also worried about how these actions can affect public places and the safety of people who might come across something like this.

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Lailuma Sadid is a former diplomat in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Embassy to the kingdom of Belgium, in charge of NATO. She attended the NATO Training courses and speakers for the events at NATO H-Q in Brussels, and also in Nederland, Germany, Estonia, and Azerbaijan. Sadid has is a former Political Reporter for Pajhwok News Agency, covering the London, Conference in 2006 and Lisbon summit in 2010.
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