Hasselt (Brussels Morning Newspaper) – Kids at the PXL-STEM Academy construction camp in Hasselt tried real construction work, including operating a crane. Lars and Leander Vandekerkhof (8) found it fun but tricky, while Nathan Nuts (12) enjoyed it and wants to be a construction worker. PXL University College has 271 construction students, the most in Flanders.
Kids at the PXL-STEM Academy in Hasselt got to try out a real construction crane. The camp had lots of activities like building with bricks, putting on roofs, and working with wood. Officials mentioned that this helped kids learn about different construction jobs. They explained how it works and let them try it out. The kids were excited to press the buttons and move the crane. They got to see what it’s like to be a real construction worker.
How did Hasselt kids learn construction skills at PXL camp?
Two twin brothers, Lars and Leander Vandekerkhof, were excited to be at the construction camp. They’re 8 years old and love to try new things. They liked that the camp had lots of fun activities like building with bricks and working with wood. Leander thought it was easy once he got the hang of it, but Lars said the wind made it harder.
According to Lars and Leander, they probably wouldn’t want to be construction workers when they grow up. But the camp was a great way for them to learn about different jobs and how important skilled trades are.
Every year we look for fun camps and this camp seemed fun to us,
says Lars.
We can do bricklaying, woodworking and now we are operating a crane,
says Leander.
Nathan Nuts, a 12-year-old, was another kid who loved the construction camp. He was good at using the construction crane. He had a remote control with black and red buttons hanging around his neck and he carefully moved the crane to lift a concrete tub and put it exactly between two posts.
He mentioned that it was exciting and even compared it to a funfair game. Nathan wants to be a construction worker when he grows up. He likes woodworking a lot and thinks it’s fun. He said that the camp helped him learn more about construction.
A bit like grabbing stuffed animals at the funfair.
Nathan Nuts
According to the officials, the PXL-STEM Academy’s construction camp is a fun way for kids to learn about construction. The camp hopes that some of the kids will go to PXL University College and study construction.
They mentioned that PXL’s construction program is popular. This year, 271 students are studying construction there, which is more than any other school in Flanders. The camp teaches kids how to use real construction tools, like cranes and how to work with wood and bricks.