Petra De Sutter backs Dhondt and Waldmann for Groen leadership

Editorial Team
Credit: VIER

Brussels (Brussels Morning Newspaper) – Belgium’s Deputy Prime Minister Petra De Sutter announced support for Bart Dhondt and Natacha Waldmann as the Green Party’s (Groen) new chairman. 

Outgoing Deputy Prime Minister Petra De Sutter’s decision not to run for the chairmanship of the Groen party has resulted in the chairmanship being open to other leaders. The following candidates are now in the race: Celia Groothedde and Steve Van Hessche, Bright Adiyia and Tina Schuermans, and finally Bart Dhondt and Natacha Waldmann. The vote for the chairmanship will be held from 16 to 19 December.

How does De Sutter view the chairmanship candidates?

De Sutter expressed that Bart Dhondt and Natacha Waldmann the duo “stands out in terms of vision, experience and leadership”. De Sutter said: “He may not call himself a street fighter, but he fought for an inclusive, green policy. He negotiated and implemented the Good Move mobility plan in Brussels in difficult circumstances, an achievement that requires not only courage but also perseverance,” says De Sutter.  According to De Sutter, Dhondt is “the right person to help Groen grow” and the combination with Natacha Waldmann is “a bull’s eye”. 

On the other hand, De Sutter does not support Bright Adiyia, who nevertheless functions as an advisor in her cabinet. “I have worked well with Bright. He is a man with potential and talent, and can make a difference in Limburg for us,” states De Sutter. Regarding Celia Groothedde, De Sutter said, “a strong track record on parliamentary dossiers”. “But for the role of chairman, Bart stands out”, De Sutter believes. Dhondt is “the empathetic, decisive leader that Groen needs now”.

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