Residents rally against modern apartments near historic Ostend landmarks

Sarhan Basem
Credit: repro dji

Ostend (The Brussels Morning Newspaper): The Thermae Palace Hotel and Royal Galleries in Ostend need renovation but plans to build luxury apartments to fund it face opposition due to concerns about preserving the historical charm of the site.

The Thermae Palace Hotel and the Royal Galleries in Ostend, Belgium need 134 million euros for renovation. To get the money they want to build fancy new apartments there. But many people don’t like this idea. Local residents worry that tall modern buildings will look strange next to the old beautiful hotel and galleries. They are afraid the new buildings will take away from the historical charm of these special places. Many important people in the area like local leaders and heritage groups are also against the plan. One group called Dement is very against it. They say the new modern design doesn’t fit with the old neoclassical style of the buildings. They think the tall new buildings will take away from the history and beauty of the Thermae Palace Hotel and the Royal Galleries. This argument is for needing money for the project and keeping the historical value of the site.

What changes will “Proud of Ostend” propose for Thermae Palace renovation?

The “Proud of Ostend” political group has been talking a lot with people in the area about the hotel and galleries’ renovation. They are listening to what residents think about adding luxury apartments and how it might change the historical feel of the place. “Proud of Ostend” has listened to what people in Ostend think and are agreeing with them. They understand that many residents don’t like the idea of tall modern buildings next to the old ones. Now they want to change the plans to keep the historical look of the site because that’s what most people want.

Mayor Bart Tommelein and his group “Trots op Oostende” don’t want to build tall apartments at the Thermae Palace Hotel. They are a mix of parties like Open VLD, CD&V, Groen and some independents. They promise not to allow the new high-rise if they win the next elections. They want to protect the historical charm of the area which many people in Ostend also care about. They are working together to preserve the history of the Thermae Palace Hotel and the Royal Galleries. They understand the community’s concerns about modern buildings not fitting in with the old style. As the elections approach  they value keeping the area’s cultural and architectural charm.

Mayor Bart Tommelein wants to get more money for renovating the Thermae Palace Hotel and the Royal Galleries. He’s asking the Flemish government for 30 million euros to finish the project. If they agree the renovation could start in 2025.

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.
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