Community clean-ups: Empowering participants and transforming Mechelen

Sarhan Basem

Mechelen (The Brussels Morning Newspaper): The On Tehuis Brabant day center in Mechelen organizes regular community clean-ups providing meaningful activities for its participants while directly benefiting the local area The city appreciates their efforts which set a positive example for others.

Rudolf Luytens who runs the On Tehuis Brabant day center in Kampenhout and lives in Mechelen says the center aims to give its participants enjoyable activities every day. He thinks it’s even better when these activities help others. For instance the center teams up with the city to deal with litter problems in different areas. By getting groups together to clean up specific spots the center ensures that its participants are doing valuable work that directly benefits their community.It has been said that this teamwork not only keeps areas clean from litter but also makes the participants feel like they are making a difference. By cleaning up the day center is not just doing regular activities but also helping the community. This makes life better for both the people at the center and the locals living nearby.

How does On Tehuis Brabant benefit Mechelen through community clean-ups?

The people at the On Tehuis Brabant day center not only clean up litter but also do other tasks like getting rid of thistles, pulling up nettles and clearing leaves especially around the UGC cinema complex. Even though these individuals have mental ages like young children they enjoy these activities as outings. They do this work because they want to and the city only pays for the bus ride to these cleaning spots. The center is dedicated to giving them fun and helpful things to do that also benefit the community.

Rudolf Luytens, who runs the On Tehuis Brabant day center says that when the locals show they’re happy with the clean-up work it makes the participants feel good. He mentiones that this positive feedback not only makes them happier but also shows that their cleaning efforts are really helping the community.

The group helps clean up in both poor and rich areas. People of all ages join them even schools. They also play soccer with kids in the neighborhood. It’s not just about trash it’s a way for the guests to go outside and be part of the community. They feel proud when they see people appreciate their work. Wesley also helps and wants Mechelen to be really clean. They find things like laughing gas bottles and beer bottles.they said that it’s upsetting when people litter in the water. Sometimes they fill up to 4 or 5 garbage bags.

“They sat a good example for the people of Mechelen and this is also followed”

Patrick Princen (For Mechelen), Alderman for the Environment

Patrick Princen said that “They do it so well that we’re grateful. They set a good example for Mechelen, and others are following. The city thanked them with cake and drinks.”

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.
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