Protecting pets in Sint-Niklaas: Tania’s Hawk attack concerns and solutions

Lailuma Sadid
Credit: Tania De Loose

Sint-Niklaas (The Brussels Morning newspaper): Tania is worried about hawk attacks on her dogs but feels reassured after consulting Bird Protection Flanders which advised her to supervise her pets and suggested protective measures.

Tania is really worried about those hawk attacks she saw on Facebook. Even though her dogs are okay for now she’s scared these birds might go after them. The attacks happened near her place so she feels like the danger is right around the corner. Tania is not so much worried about the hawk carrying her dogs off but more about the harm it could do if it attacks. She’s scared because the hawk can swoop in really fast and hit hard. She’s afraid her dogs might get badly hurt like getting cuts or serious head injuries from the hawk’s sharp claws. It upsets her to even think about finding her dogs injured and in pain in her yard.

Should Pet owners worry about Hawk attacks on Dogs?

Tania is really scared about her dogs getting hurt by those hawks even though some folks say she’s overreacting. She doesn’t feel better when others brush off her worries. Her main focus is keeping her pets safe and she’s genuinely worried about them getting hurt by these strong birds.Tania mentioned that “I always stick with my dogs now even when they go out for a quick bathroom break. I’m extra careful and watch them closely all the time. I do this because I worry about their safety especially with that hawk around. The hawk likes going after small animals so I want to make sure my dogs are safe and protected.”

She said that staying with dogs makes them safer. The hawk is less likely to attack when people are around. Watching over them not only stops any possible problems but also helps her feel better knowing she’s keeping her pets safe from harm.

Tania got in touch with Bird Protection Flanders for help with her dogs’ safety in the garden. They agreed with her worries and said not to leave her dogs alone outside. They also recommended putting up a net in some parts of the garden to help keep her pets safe. Bird Protection Flanders told Tania not to worry too much. They explained that sparrowhawks mostly go after small birds and that attacks on dogs are uncommon. This news helped Tania feel better about keeping an eye on her pets while being less anxious about the risk.

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Lailuma Sadid is a former diplomat in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Embassy to the kingdom of Belgium, in charge of NATO. She attended the NATO Training courses and speakers for the events at NATO H-Q in Brussels, and also in Nederland, Germany, Estonia, and Azerbaijan. Sadid has is a former Political Reporter for Pajhwok News Agency, covering the London, Conference in 2006 and Lisbon summit in 2010.
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