Aalst Incidence: Michiel’s father calls for change after devastating loss

Sarhan Basem
Credit: apm

Aalst (The Brussels Morning newspaper): Danny Van Goethem killed his partner MirenEynatten and her son Michel before taking his own life. Christophe Dutilleux Michiel’s father calls for justice reform after this tragedy.

Danny Van Goethem entered a house in Denderhoutem, Aalst in the early hours of November 10-11, 2023 and ended the lives of his partner Miren Eynatten and her son Michel. After this event Van Goethem took his own life. Miren Eynatten was previously married to Christophe Dutilleux a real estate agent from Hofstade and they had a son named Michiel. Despite the divorce Dutilleux maintained a good relationship with Michiel who was described as a kind and supportive friend.

What led to the tragic events in Aalst involving Danny Van Goethem, Miren Eynatten and her son Michel?

Before things went wrong Michiel was struggling with Danny’s behavior leading to plans for a divorce. Danny’s actions escalated resulting in his arrest after causing chaos. Despite being released with a restraining order Danny breached it causing fear and a dangerous situation for Michiel and Miren ultimately breaking into their home.

When Michiel’s friend couldn’t find him at the villa. The police came and found something. The investigation finished and Dutilleux said we should learn from it. The suspect Danny was let go by the magistrate without talking to him, leaving him alone on the streets at night with almost nothing. The house was in Miren’s name making Danny feel like he lost everything. The magistrate should have been more careful knowing about Danny’s violent past from twenty years ago.

How can the justice system better assess the risk of violence in released individuals?

Judges decide if someone can go free based on law stuff. Psychologists can tell if someone might get violent better than judges. If Danny had seen a psychologist Michiel might be alive. They’re not blaming anyone not even the judge. More violence against women is happening and there’s not enough space to lock up everyone. They’re thinking of using ankle monitors to track released people. They want to help not only victims but also those who might cause harm.

“The decision to release someone or not is now made by a magistrate based on legal elements. But whether someone can resort to violence, a psychologist would be much better able to assess”

Anthony Mallego Lawyer

Dutilleux wanted to meet the judge not to complain but to make changes in the justice system. The meeting was denied and he never got an apology or support from the justice system. He spends time at the cemetery talking to Michiel, feeling comforted as if Michiel is there. Losing Michiel has left a big hole in his life. He hopes that with time the pain will become a little easier to bear.

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.
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