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Wouter Van Besien News

Wouter Van Besien

Wouter Van Besien, a famous Belgian politician and former chairman of the ecologist party Groen, has played an important role in Belgian politics for many years. Van Besien's support of social justice, participatory democracy, and environmental sustainability has been well-known throughout his career.Read more
He contributed significantly to the party and its vision while serving as Groen's chairman from October 25, 2009, till November 15, 2014. His departure from the Flemish Parliament was not due to controversy or political turmoil. Van Besien chose not to seek re-election after serving his term, allowing Meyrem Almaci to follow him as Groen's new chairman.

Wouter Van Besien left national politics to work in sustainable banking at VDK Bank in Ghent, beginning in September 2020. Wouter Van Besien's ambition to make a different kind of contribution to society was reflected in that decision, which signified a fundamental turn in his career. Van Besien's choice to work for VDK Bank further proves his dedication to encouraging ethical and sustainable banking practices. His appointment to the NMBS board of directors in 2021 emphasises his commitment to public transit, mobility, and ongoing public service involvement.

Wouter Van Besien has advocated for social equality, environmental preservation, and democratic reform throughout his political career. Wouter Van Besien has taken issue with how political rivals, such as Antwerp Mayor Bart De Wever, have handled matters including the city's drug problem. Van Besien's speeches and public pronouncements have underlined the value of civil discourse in politics and the necessity for substantial policy talks over personal attacks or political games.

Wouter Van Besien's professional path demonstrates his dedication to progressive principles and readiness to seize new opportunities for constructive social change. Van Besien continues to be a well-known person in Belgian politics and an advocate for social justice and environmental concerns, whether because of his leadership in the ecological party Groen, his support for sustainable banking practices, or his ongoing participation in public discourse


Wouter Van Besien is born in Mortsel, Belgium.


Wouter Van Besien Begins his political career, likely getting involved in student activism and environmental causes during his university years.


Wouter Van Besien Re-elected as a member of the Flemish Parliament, continuing to represent the interests of Antwerp.


Wouter Van Besien Advocates for environmental sustainability, social justice, and urban planning issues in the Flemish Parliament.


Wouter Van Besien remains an influential figure within the Groen party and continues to be active in Flemish politics, working towards his party's goals of green policies and progressive governance.

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Press Releases

Wouter Van Besien, a well-known Groen politician, declared in a press release that the Kartel list Samen, which aimed to unite sp. Read more
a and Groen for the upcoming local elections, was to be discontinued. The decision was made in response to press reports exposing the sp.a. Antwerp chairman. Van Besien's attendance at the press conference in Antwerp on January 17, 2018, highlighted the importance of the declaration and suggested a change in Groen's political allies and tactics in the run-up to the elections.

Wouter Van Besien, representing Groen, spoke to the press after discussing a new coalition in Antwerp following the local and provincial elections on October 14, 2018. The Flemish nationalists N-VA, led by Mayor De Wever, had invited other parties to negotiations. Van Besien's remarks emphasised their role in the negotiations and their dedication to their political program, reflecting his party's position and observations on an emerging coalition. His appearance demonstrated Groen's active participation in determining Antwerp's future political climate.


Chairman Wouter Van Besien delivered a passionate speech to the Green troops at the summer weekend in Nieuwpoort in September 2013, underlining the Greens' lofty ambitions. Van Besien emphasised the need for green policies for social justice and sustainability while reflecting on the previous administrations' fiscal policies and years of "government-in-waiting.Read more
" He underlined the necessity of Greens serving in future administrations and promoted more equal wealth distribution and lower pollution levels. His speech reaffirmed the party's commitment to improving people's lives and enacting significant change.

Wouter Van Besien, a member of parliament and the former president of the Green Party Groen, underlined the importance of a circular economy for supporting regional economies at the Ecological Production in a Post-Growth Society (ECOPRO) seminar held in Brussels on November 20, 2015. Wouter Van Besien promoted a low-carbon economy emphasising social equality, ecological production, and sustainable development. His speech aimed to examine strategies to move from conventional manufacturing to ecological production as a component of a more comprehensive sustainable economy. It was organised by Dirk Holemans of the Flemish green think tank Oikos.

Wouter Van Besien gave a speech on September 25, 2023, about his political career reflecting on his journey from being the Green chairman from 2009 to 2014. He included his involvement in national politics and negotiations for Brussels-Halle-Vilvoorde and his tenure as a member of the Flemish Parliament from 2014 to 2019, where he focused on mobility projects such as the Oosterweel connection. Wouter Van Besien described his political experience as "very interesting and instructive," expressing various emotions. Van Besien said, "It was beautiful, but enough has been enough," signalling that he was ready to move on from politics and make place for other responsibilities. He left the green political action in Antwerp to his party colleagues and the chairman of Antwerp, Bogdan Vanden Berghe, with confidence.

Who is Wouter Van Besien?

Wouter Van Besien is a Belgian politician born on November 1, 1971, in Bonheiden, Belgium. Wouter Van Besien’s most well-known contribution was as the chairman of the Flemish Green Party, Groen, from 2009 until 2014. Van Besien’s dedication to social justice, the environment, and participatory democracy has been evident throughout his political career.

Wouter Van Besien graduated with a master’s degree in social and cultural anthropology from the Catholic University of Leuven (KU Leuven) before going into politics. Van Besien has experience in international development, having worked for the Belgian Technical Cooperation in Morocco and the non-governmental organization Trias in the Philippines.

Wouter Van Besien’s political rivals consist of individuals affiliated with alternative political organisations, specifically individuals harbouring contrasting perspectives on social and environmental matters. Wouter Van Besien has faced competition as the leader of Groen from leaders of other parties competing for political clout and electoral success in Belgium’s multi-party system. It includes the leaders of the Socialist Party (PS), the New Flemish Alliance (N-VA), and the Christian Democratic and Flemish (CD&V) party.

Wouter Van Besien biography is illustrated in the table below.

Personal Information of Wouter Van Besien
Full Name Wouter Van Besien
Date of Birth November 1, 1971
Place of Birth Bonheiden, Belgium
Political Party Flemish Green Party, Groen/ Ecologist Party Groen
Alma Mater University of Leuven University of Hull
Occupation Politician
Spouse Danielle Dierckx
Sibling/s Dieter Van Besien
Position Term Preceded by Succeeded by
Member of the district council of Borgerhout 2006 – 2012
Chairman of Groen 2009 – 2014
Member of the city council of Antwerp 2013 - 2022
Member of the Flemish Parliament for Antwerp 2014 – 2019

What is the Political Party of Wouter Van Besien?

Wouter Van Besien’s political party is the Groen Party, a Flemish Green Party. Wouter Van Besien has spent much of his political career working with Groen. Van Besien took over as Groen’s chairman in 2009 and remained in that position until 2014. Wouter Van Besien greatly influenced the party’s policies and strategies during his tenure as chairman, particularly in social justice and environmental sustainability. 

Wouter Van Besien was associated with Agalev, the organisation that preceded Groen, before joining Groen. Agalev was a green political party in Belgium that eventually changed its name to Groen. Agalev is an acronym for “Anders Gaan Leven,” which means “Living Differently” in Dutch. Van Besien’s early collaboration with Agalev, who focused on environmental and social issues, prepared him for his later work with the Green party news.

Wouter Van Besien’s rivals as a Groen member are lawmakers from other parties, particularly people with opposing social and environmental views. More conservative or right-leaning parties, such as the Christian Democratic and Flemish (CD&V) or the New Flemish Alliance (N-VA), offer an alternative to his viewpoints. Individuals who advocate for social equity and environmental preservation are expected to be his supporters, whereas people who hold a different view on Groen’s platform or priorities are considered his opponents. 

Wouter Van Besien has advocated for green policies such as sustainable urban development and renewable energy. Wouter Van Besien worked as chairman to increase Groen’s prominence and sway, and he experienced several electoral victories during his tenure. Van Besien had to deal with problems and complaints, similar to other political leaders. For example, he had to figure out how to run coalition politics in Belgium, which was difficult.

What is the Official Title of Wouter Van Besien?

Wouter Van Besien’s official title is “Member of the City Council of Antwerp” from 2013 until 2023. Wouter Van Besien participates in the creation and execution of municipal policies while representing the interests of Antwerp’s residents in that role. Wouter Van Besien’s areas of interest as a council member are social justice, environmental sustainability, and urban development. He advocates for green areas, sustainable transportation, and inclusive community activities and works to ensure that the city’s governance matches the Green Party’s beliefs and interests.

Wouter Van Besien’s other official titles are listed below.

  • Member of the District Council of Borgerhout (2006 – 2012): Wouter Van Besien was a member of the Borgerhout district council in the city of Antwerp from 2006 to 2012. Wouter Van Besien participated in local governance and decision-making in that position, concentrating on matters unique to the Borgerhout community. He gained invaluable experience in local politics from his position, which helped him in his subsequent duties in the Antwerp City Council and other positions.
  • Chairman of the Flemish Green party, Groen (2009-2014): Van Besien was in charge of setting the direction and tactics for the party as Groen’s leader. Van Besien strove to increase the party’s standing in the Flemish political landscape, emphasising environmental concerns, social equality, and participatory democracy. The Flemish Green Party grew and gained prominence under his direction, which helped it win municipal and regional elections. 
  • Member of the Flemish Parliament (2014-2019): Van Besien served as a regional parliamentarian for the Green Party and its supporters. Van Besien participated in committees, discussions, and legislative processes, promoting party-platform-aligned ideas. He advocated for social fairness, sustainability, and government transparency during his time in the parliament.

How Long was Wouter Van Besein in Belgium Politics?

Wouter Van Besien has already been in Belgian politics for over 20 years. Wouter Van Besien’s involvement in politics began with his work in the district council of Borgerhout, where he served from 2006 to 2012. His role in the district council of Borgerhout prepared him for his future political pursuits and signalled his entry into municipal governance. 

Wouter Van Besien has played a prominent role in the politics of Antwerp, the second-largest city in Belgium, in addition to his work in Borgerhout. Van Besien has been a member of the Antwerp City Council since 2013 and has continued promoting social justice, environmental sustainability, and participatory democracy. 

Wouter Van Besien has a political impact that goes beyond municipal government. Van Besien was the chairman of the Flemish Green party, Groen, from 2009 to 2014, steering the organization through expansion and raising awareness. He served as a member of the Flemish Parliament from 2014 to 2019, representing Groen, where he concentrated on regional issues and policies. 

Wouter Van Besien has devoted his professional life to advancing environmentally friendly laws and sustainable growth in Belgium’s Flemish Region, especially in Antwerp and surrounding areas. His long engagement in Belgian politics is evidence of his dedication to these principles and his continuous endeavours to improve society.

Why did Wouter Van Besein Move Out from the Flemish Parliament?

Wouter Van Besien moved out from the Flemish Parliament to transition to private life and focus on his new role at VDK Bank. He decided to take a different route away from active politics in 2020, which involved resigning as the group leader. His decision to focus on sustainable and ethical banking instead of political duties reflects his desire to make a change in his working life.

Wouter Van Besien served as a Flemish Parliament (MP) member, representing the province of Antwerp for five years until his departure from the legislature in 2019. His tenure was from 2014 to 2019. Politicians generally leave a legislative body for several reasons, including changing their priorities to pursue other political or personal projects, making calculated moves within their party, or experiencing changes in their personal or political situations.

What are the Important News about Wouter Van Besien?

The important news about Wouter Van Besien are listed below.

  • “Wouter Van Besien announcing his departure in Politics” is news about his retirement from Antwerp politics after 20 years of service. Wouter Van Besien wants to concentrate on his work at VDK Bank, where he has been overseeing ethical and sustainable banking for the past three years. He has been involved in programs such as the sustainable savings account and has been a member of the NMBS board of directors since 2021. Van Besien talked about his political career and the importance of being respectful. 
  • “Wouter Van Besien criticised Bart De Wever’s handling of Antwerp’s drug problem” is news about Besien accusing De Wever of failing to address safety concerns in affected neighbourhoods and pointing fingers at the justice department and federal police. Van Besien accused De Wever of “hiding” and neglecting to address security issues in drug-related, violence-affected districts. Van Besien remarked, “His new plan is failing and even culminated in a war within the police. When we interrogate him in the city council, he’s only pointing fingers at the justice department and the federal police. It’s just shameful.” The criticism focuses on De Wever’s difficulties in addressing the drug problem and the political ramifications for his party and the extreme right-wing Vlaams Belang party.
  • “Wouter Van Besien leaves national politics and switches to the banking sector” is news about him as coordinator of sustainable and ethical banking at VDK Bank, showing his commitment to finding new methods to contribute to society’s betterment. The news talks about Wouter Van Besien’s move from national politics to a position in ethical and sustainable banking at VDK Bank in Ghent, which he is scheduled to start in September 2020. Former Groen party chairman Van Besien stated that his decision was expected considering his earlier exit from national politics. He aims to contribute differently to society, highlighting sustainable banks, such as VDK’s role in promoting good change.
  • “Wouter Van Besien quoted Saudi Arabia as a rogue state” is the news on November 5, 2018, about the assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The Flemish Parliament’s reaction to the incident was clear. Besien stated, “They’d had enough.” Parliamentarians such as Van Besien denounced Saudi Arabia for its flagrant violation of human rights, pointing to the recent killing at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul as just one more instance. The lawmakers expressed their strong opposition to Saudi Arabia’s actions by demanding a total arms embargo on exports to the nation. Many people who agreed with Van Besien that Saudi Arabia must be held responsible for its conduct found solace in his remarks.

Why did Wouter Van Besein Step Down as City Councilor in Antwerp?

Wouter Van Besien stepped down as a City Councilor in Antwerp because he was tired of the way politics is done today. Wouter Van Besien decided to step down from his final position at the Antwerp City Council on September 25, 2023, after twenty years in politics, which included leadership and chairmanship of the Green Party. He said in his farewell interview that he wasn’t quitting politics out of bitterness but rather because he was tired of the aggressive nature of modern politics. He quoted, “I’m really tired of picking fights… Playing the man, it’s not for me.” He wants to escape the combative parts of politics, so his choice ends his active political career.

What are the Political Ideas of Wouter Van Besien?

Wouter Van Besien’s political ideas are centred around environmental sustainability, social justice, and participatory democracy, which are in line with the principles of his party, Groen. Wouter Van Besien is a Belgian politician affiliated with the Flemish Green Party, Groen. Wouter Van Besien supports laws that fight climate change, advance renewable energy sources, and safeguard natural resources because he is a member of the Green Party. He favours policies that lower carbon emissions and move the economy toward greater sustainability. 

Wouter Van Besien and his party are anticipated to support policies that advance social welfare, inclusivity, and equality in social issues. It includes advocating for laws that uphold underrepresented groups’ rights and support affordable housing, healthcare, and education. Wouter Van Besien’s political beliefs are consistent with the tenets of his party, Groen, and emphasise environmentalism, social justice, and peaceful dispute resolution.