Friday, July 5, 2024

Boudewijn Bouckaert News

Boudewijn Bouckaert

Boudewijn Bouckaert, born in Ghent, Belgium, holds the position of emeritus professor of law. Bouckaert pursued legal and philosophical studies in Ghent preceding his employment at Ghent University.Read more
He advanced the fields of law and economics, which ultimately became incorporated into the European Master of Law and Economics curriculum throughout his tenure at the university. Boudewijn Bouckaert's involvement in Flemish politics included a brief tenure as a board member of the Flemish Liberals and Democrats (VLD) party, where his advocacy for a two-party system led to a conflict with party chairman Bart Somers, resulting in his resignation from the party board in 2005. Bouckaert co-founded classical liberal think tanks Cassandra and Nova Civitas, which were instrumental in promoting liberal ideas in Belgian discourse. His contributions extend to chairing the LIB-ERA! Think tank's academic board and serving as president of Nova Civitas. Bouckaert has political experience; from 2009 to 2014, he served as the LDD (Libertarian, Direct, Democratic) representative in the Flemish Parliament.

Bouckaert remains influential, actively participating in an Erasmus program and engaging in organisations such as the anti-woke platform “Hypatia” despite his retirement and emeritus status. Bouckaert received the prestigious “Prize for Freedom” from the think tank Libera! in May 2022, recognising his enduring impact on classical liberalism in Flanders over the past four decades. His involvement in the European Confederalist Society's Patronage Committee reflects his ongoing commitment to shaping discussions on EU reform. Boudewijn Bouckaert wrote the “Economic Analysis of Property Law Cases,” published on March 2, 2020. Renowned for formulating plausible theories and subject to empirical testing, the field of law and economics has established a reputation for its insights into legal institutions' societal roles and influence.


Boudewijn Bouckaert is born in Ghent, Belgium.


Boudewijn Bouckaert Completes his studies in Law at Ghent University.


Boudewijn Bouckaert Begins his career as a lawyer, specializing in commercial and corporate law.


Boudewijn Bouckaert Joins the classical liberal party Liberal Reformist Party (LVP).


Boudewijn Bouckaert Elected as a member of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives, representing East Flanders.


Boudewijn Bouckaert Co-founds the classical liberal think tank Nova Civitas.


Boudewijn Bouckaert Becomes a member of the Flemish Parliament.


Boudewijn Bouckaert Re-elected to the Flemish Parliament.


Boudewijn Bouckaert Continues his tenure as a member of the Flemish Parliament.


Boudewijn Bouckaert Retires from active politics but remains involved in academic and intellectual pursuits, advocating for classical liberal principles and free-market economics.


Boudewijn Bouckaert Publishes several books and articles on liberalism and political philosophy, contributing to public discourse on economic and social issues.

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discussing a crucial strategic issue within his party beforehand in a press release on February 22, 2010. Read more
He expressed his support for a collaboration with Open VLD in an interview with the weekly magazine Knack, a stance that did not sit well with LDD chairman Jean-Marie Dedecker. Bouckaert apologised to the party's voters and announced his withdrawal from the party board until further notice, recognising his lack of mandate for such statements. He admitted to letting his thoughts wander during the interview and acknowledged the need for more careful consideration given his parliamentary role. Bouckaert pledged to maintain a low profile and focus on parliamentary duties, expressing continued enthusiasm for LDD's liberal project despite not commenting on his candidacy for the new party board. Jean-Marie Dedecker, while expressing respect for Bouckaert as a person and ideologue, emphasised the importance of internal party discussions on strategic matters, stating that LDD must not deviate from a unified party strategy.

Flemish MP Boudewijn Bouckaert asserted in De Standaard on June 8, 2010, that Lijst Dedecker (LDD) needed to adjust its course post-election and find partners to fulfil its role. Bouckaert emphasised the country's significant challenge, particularly the complex state reform, as the party prepared to change its name after the elections. He pondered LDD's role in such a context and its potential representation in parliament. Bouckaert, emphasising LDD's commitment to radical liberalism, expressed the need to collaborate with other Flemish parties, particularly noting the ideological proximity to N-VA and Open VLD. Jean-Marie Dedecker welcomed Bouckaert's perspective, considering it a fantastic idea that expanded on the notion of Forza Flandria. The expanded approach involves seeking points of agreement beyond Flanders' independence, according to Dedecker. Bouckaert asserted that LDD had a future beyond Jean-Marie Dedecker, suggesting the presence of capable successors.


Boudewijn Bouckaert delivered a speech at the Great Aula of Ghent University on Tuesday, June 25, 2013, introducing the 2013 Freedom Prize awarded by Libera!. Bouckaert highlighted the intellectual contributions of the laureate in his address to Professor Emeritus Frank van Dun.Read more
He emphasised Van Dun's commitment to exploring the foundations of human freedom and its connection with the legal order. Bouckaert eloquently stated, "A moderate optimism about humanity and confidence in the good and reasonable nature of man fundamentally accompanies Frank van Dun's thinking." The speech delved into Van Dun's defence of individual freedom and his principled stand against utilitarianism. The venue, Ghent University's Great Aula, provided a fitting backdrop for honouring intellectual achievements in pursuing freedom.

Bouckaert touched upon the historical success of civilisations based on shared general values, citing the Roman Empire as an example. He expressed concerns about a perceived push towards uniformity in the European Parliament, emphasising the importance of respecting local cultures alongside a set of general values. The speech underscored Bouckaert's opposition to a one-size-fits-all approach in Europe, advocating for a decentralised and diverse system. He critiqued the European Commission's sensitivity to certain topics, especially regarding issues in Poland and Hungary, questioning the efficacy of sanctions and urging a nuanced understanding of the situation. Boudewijn Bouckaert's speech on March 27, 2018, at de Buren, was a robust critique of categorisations in European politics and a call for embracing diversity and decentralisation within the European Union.

Boudewijn Bouckaert delivered a speech at the Priory of Corsendonk on June 26, 2021, during the award ceremony of the 2021 Freedom Prize by think tank Libera!. Bouckaert expressed his honesty about the significance of the prize and its impact on various domains, including the economy, entrepreneurship, politics, philosophy, and music. Reflecting on the past year's challenges, he humorously pondered the idea of passing on the responsibility to a younger generation. Bouckaert touched upon the expertise and reputation of the laureate, health economist Lieven Annemans, emphasising his contributions to health economics. The speech delved into the complexities of health economics and its role in navigating challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic. One notable quote from Bouckaert's speech was his remark on the expert opinions during the crisis: "But luckily we are the experts, 3D greetings from in the on jacket, and we do it with our mouth open behind our stomach because then we see them every day, escape pressure." The venue, the Priory of Corsendonk, added a festive atmosphere to the event, providing a backdrop for acknowledging Lieven Annemans' achievements in health economics.

Who is Boudewijn Bouckaert?

Boudewijn Bouckaert, born July 21, 1947, is a law professor in Belgium, associated with the Flemish Movement and recognized as a libertarian conservative thinker and politician. Bouckaert served as a Member of the Flemish Parliament, representing the liberal party List Dedecker. His influence extends to his roles as past president of Belgian classical liberal think tanks Nova Civitas, Cassandra, and Libera!

Boudewijn, with a PhD, imparts knowledge at the Law School of the University of Ghent, the University of Paris, and the University of Aix-Marseille. Bouckaert serves as the director of the Department of Legal Theory and History at Ghent University, chairing the European Master in Law and Economics program.

Boudewijn Bouckaert’s academic journey includes lecturing at the Institute for Humane Studies in Fairfax, Virginia, and the Institute for Economic Studies in Paris, France. He has been a visitor at Harvard University. Past engagements involve sitting on the Belgian High Council for Judicial Matters and chairing the Land Management Committee. He is a proud member of the international free-market group Mont Pelerin Society. He succeeded Professor Matthias Storme as the chairman of the Overlegcentrum van Vlaamse Verenigingen (OVV) in 2006, a flamingant organisation in Belgium. Bouckaert faced a personal loss as his pregnant wife, Katrien Van den Berghe, succumbed to a cerebral haemorrhage at Ghent University Hospital, leading to the loss of their unborn son, Elias, on June 7, 2007.

Boudewijn Bouckaert biography is illustrated in the table below.

Personal Information of Boudewijn Bouckaert
Full Name Boudewijn Bouckaert
Birthday July 21, 1947
Spouse Katrien Van den Berghe
Children 0
Position Politician and Professor
Political Party List Dedecker
Education PhD (Ghent University)
Position Term Preceded by Succeeded by
Emeritus Professor (Ghent University)
Member of the Flemish Parliament 2009 - 2014
Founding Chairman (Nova Civitas and Cassandra) 1992 - 2009
Honorary Chairman (Libera!) 2010 - Present

What is the Political Party of Boudewijn Bouckaert?

The political party of Boudewijn Bouckaert is List Dedecker. List Dedecker (Lijst Dedecker or ‘LDD’) was established in January 2007 by Senator Jean-Marie Dedecker. Boudewijn Bouckaert, formerly a board member of the Flemish Liberals and Democrats (VLD) party, sparked controversy in 2005 by advocating for the evolution towards a two-party system, aligning a left-wing bloc and a right-wing bloc. The stance diverged from the party line, leading to a conflict with party chairman Bart Somers. Bouckaert resigned from the party board in July 2005 due to a disagreement. Bouckaert’s political history evolved from different political parties, and he was unafraid to share his political ideas.  

 Dedecker founded LDD following the 2006 assessment by the Cassandra think tank, which identified a space for a right-wing conservative-liberal movement in the Flemish Community, having departed from the Flemish Liberals and Democrats (VLD) party. The need for a “common sense party” was emphasised. Dedecker, drawing inspiration from figures like Geert Wilders and Pim Fortuyn, aimed to position himself as the Flemish party’s political equivalent.  

What is the previous Political Part of Boudewijn Bouckaert?

The previous political party of Boudewijn Bouckaert was the Flemish Liberals and Democrats (VLD). Bouckaert, once a board member of the Flemish Liberals and Democrats (VLD) party, stirred controversy in 2005 by advocating for a shift towards a two-party system akin to the Anglo-Saxon model. His proposal outlined two distinct blocs: a left-wing alliance around sp.a, ACV, and Groen! and a right-wing bloc with VLD, the right wing of CD&V, N-VA, and Vlaams Belang. The dissent from the party line led to a conflict with party chairman Bart Somers, resulting in Bouckaert’s resignation from the party board on July 8, 2005. Bouckaert, Dedecker, and others engaged in talks to establish a new right-wing liberal party. He officially left VLD on October 27, 2006, citing the party’s shift towards left-liberal tendencies. Bouckaert briefly joined N-VA but ultimately aligned with Dedecker after his dismissal from N-VA and the formation of List Dedecker.  

What is the Official Title of Boudewijn Bouckaert?

The official title of Boudewijn Bouckaert is actively involved in the Flemish Movement and is a prominent libertarian conservative thinker and politician. Bouckaert has played a crucial role in shaping political discourse as the chair of the LIB-ERA! think tank’s academic board and a Member of the Flemish Parliament for the liberal party List Dedecker. Bouckaert was president of the renowned Belgian classical liberal think tank Nova Civitas.

Bouckaert imparts knowledge at esteemed institutions such as the Law School of the University of Ghent, the University of Paris, and the University of Aix-Marseille. Bouckaert assumes the role of director of the Department of Legal Theory and History at Ghent University, contributing significantly to legal education. He chaired the European Master in Law and Economics program, showcasing his leadership in academia.

Bouckaert’s influence extends beyond Belgium, having lectured at esteemed institutions like the Institute for Humane Studies in Fairfax, Virginia, and the Institute for Economic Studies in Paris, France. His academic pursuits led him to Harvard University as a visitor. In the realm of judicial matters, he previously sat on the Belgian High Council for Judicial Matters and chaired the Land Management Committee. A distinguished member of the international free-market group Mont Pelerin Society, Bouckaert continues to contribute to the global discourse on liberal principles.

Bouckaert assumed the role of chairman of the Overlegcentrum van Vlaamse Verenigingen in 2006, a flamingant organization in Belgium, succeeding Professor Matthias Storme. Bouckaert remains a significant figure in the intersection of law, politics, and academia through his multifaceted contributions.

Some of Boudewijn Bouckaert’s official titles are listed below.

  • Chair of LIB-ERA! Think Tank’s Academic Board: Boudewijn Bouckaert holds the position of Chair on the academic board of LIB-ERA!, a think tank. He contributes to shaping political discourse and promoting liberal-conservative ideas.
  • Member of Flemish Parliament for List Dedecker: Bouckaert is engaged in Belgian politics as a representative of the liberal party. List Dedecker serves as a member of the Flemish Parliament. His role involves participating in legislative processes and advocating for liberal principles.
  • President of Nova Civitas: Boudewijn Bouckaert has served as the President of Nova Civitas, a renowned Belgian classical liberal think tank. In such a capacity, he has played a pivotal role in advancing classical liberal ideas and contributing to public policy discussions.
  • Law Professor and Director at Ghent University: Bouckaert holds a PhD and is a law professor at Ghent University. He is the Director of the Department of Legal Theory and History and has significantly contributed to legal education and academic leadership.
  • Chairman of the European Master in Law and Economics Program: Boudewijn Bouckaert has chaired the European Master in Law and Economics program at Ghent University. It demonstrates his academic leadership and commitment to interdisciplinary legal and economic education.
  • Lecturer at International Institutions: Bouckaert has lectured at esteemed institutions beyond Belgium, such as the Institute for Humane Studies in Fairfax, Virginia, and the Institute for Economic Studies in Paris, France. His international engagements showcase his influence on liberal principles in the global discourse.
  • High Council for Judicial Matters and Land Management Committee: Bouckaert previously sat on the Belgian High Council for Judicial Matters, contributing his expertise to judicial matters. He chaired the Land Management Committee, showcasing his involvement in legal and administrative domains.
  • Chairman of Overlegcentrum van Vlaamse Verenigingen: Bouckaert assumed the role of Chairman of the Overlegcentrum van Vlaamse Verenigingen in 2006, a flamingant organisation in Belgium. The position reflects his commitment to the Flemish Movement and cultural advocacy.
  • Distinguished Member of Mont Pelerin Society: Bouckaert is a distinguished member of the international free-market group Mont Pelerin Society, contributing to discussions and debates on liberal principles at the global level.

What are the Important News about Boudewijn Bouckaert?

The important news about Boudewijn Bouckaert is listed below.

  • A PAL CAST exclusive interview with Boudewijn Bouckaert, who has been emeritus since 2012, reveals his influence. Bouckaert continues contributing to an Erasmus program and is actively involved in various organizations despite his retirement, notably the anti-woke platform ‘Hypatia.’ PAL CAST journalist Wannes Neukermans delves into a conversation with Bouckaert, exploring topics such as liberalism, freedom, security, Flemish politics, and his dedicated stance against woke ideologies through the lens of his newly established anti-woke platform.
  • The European Confederalist Society was inaugurated at the Think Tank Central Conference of New Directions in Madrid on September 29, 2023. The initiative, spearheaded by Pieter Cleppe, the Director of the European Confederalist Society, seeks to strike a balance between EU centralisation and exit, advocating for decentralisation and preserving the autonomy of the EU’s democracies. Boudewijn Bouckaert, a notable figure in Belgian law and politics, is a distinguished member of the Patronage Committee for the society. The manifesto emphasises the need for a nuanced approach, focusing on the core business of the EU, removing trade barriers within the internal market and globally. The European Confederalist Society aims to offer a constructive alternative with academics, writers, and policymakers uniting under such a cause, addressing concerns about centralisation, national sovereignty, and the future of cooperation among European countries.
  • The Flemish ‘Forum for Democracy’ launched a petition on Twitter on May 29, 2019, calling for the repeal of the cordon sanitaire. It is an agreement among traditional parties to exclude the far-right Vlaams Belang from government participation. Boudewijn Bouckaert heads the Forum and emphasises its role as a think tank rather than a political party. It draws inspiration from the Dutch Forum for Democracy. The petition, shared with the hashtag #CordonSanitaireWegErmee (#CordonSanitaireGetRidOfIt), challenges what it deems an outdated, discriminatory, and sectarian practice. The Forum expresses concerns about the impact of the cordon sanitaire on the democratic process in Flanders despite explicitly distancing itself from Vlaams Belang. The initiative asserts its commitment to human rights, rejecting racism and discrimination while questioning the exclusion of Vlaams Belang—a party representing nearly one-fifth of the Flemish population—from pre-negotiation discussions and potential governmental participation. The Forum’s plea, articulated through the petition, seeks to position Vlaams Belang as a legitimate participant in democratic processes, calling for fair consideration and a chance for negotiations.
  • A prestigious ‘Prize for Freedom’ was presented to Boudewijn Bouckaert on May 6, 2022, by the think tank Libera!. The organisation, led by Bouckaert himself for several years, contends that he deserved such recognition years ago and aims to rectify what it calls a historical injustice by including him in its honours list. Libera! highlights Bouckaert’s unparalleled contribution to classical liberalism in Flanders over the past four decades, emphasising his unwavering promotion of the values of a free society throughout his academic and political career. Vincent De Roeck, representing Libera!, lauds Bouckaert as a “public intellectual” deeply committed to liberal philosophy, legal economics, and extensive writing. Bouckaert’s impact as a professor, dean at Ghent University, and former Member of Parliament is acknowledged, emphasising his role as both a source of inspiration and a provocative figure challenging compromise and self-interest in politics. The recognition elicits praise from individuals like Jean-Marie Dedecker and legal scholar Marc De Vos, underlining Bouckaert’s enduring influence as an intellectual and educator.

What are the Political Ideas of Boudewijn Bouckaert?

Boudewijn Bouckaert, an emeritus professor of law and ‘law and economics’ at Ghent University, is among the core members of the recently established hotline, “Hypatia.” The initiative, led by Flemish and Dutch academics, addresses concerns about the perceived rise in “woke activism and cancel culture” within universities and research institutions. Bouckaert, along with other influential figures like Mark Elchardus, Matthias Storme, and Paul Cliteur, is part of the eight-member core team of Hypatia. The group advocates for academic freedom and freedom of expression, expressing concerns about academics’ growing criticism of their statements and opinions. They highlight incidents involving UAntwerp employees Astrid Elbers and Leo Neels, who faced repercussions after criticising their rector. Bouckaert and his colleagues emphasise the need to uphold academic assessment criteria and protect the presumption of innocence in the face of allegations. The academics involved in Hypatia see “woke” and “cancel culture” as significant threats to academic freedom, and the hotline aims to provide a platform for reporting incidents and addressing these concerns.

What are the awards Boudewijn Bouckaert recevied as Politician?

One of Bouderwijn Bouckaert’s awards was the Prize for Liberty by the Flemish classical-liberal think tank Libera. The organisation asserts that Boudewijn Bouckaert must have been awarded the prize years ago. Libera!, under Bouckaert’s leadership for an extended period, deems it necessary “to rectify the historical injustice and acknowledge the professor in its list of honours.” Nova Civitas, a Flemish think tank, was established based on the principles of classic liberalism and Anglo-Saxon conservatism, asserting complete independence despite its recognition and support from the Flemish Liberal Party (VLD). Boudewijn Bouckaert, the Founding Chairman of Nova Civitas, had a longstanding affiliation with the VLD and was a board member. The fundamental tenets of Nova Civitas, as outlined on their website, emphasised the interconnection of freedom and responsibility, the need for the valorisation of the family as a cornerstone of a free society, the de-feudalization of the economy with the protection of free entrepreneurship, and the imperative to uphold the rule of law.